Printmaking Personal Evaluation

For Printmaking this year I decided that I was going to focus on Screen Print. For the sole reason that I despised Screen print in my previous years. I decided that this was the year i would master the screen!!

Unfortunately I didn't do this.
My exploration of found objects was exciting and fun at first...

But I quickly lost this excitment after the discovery that my objects were restrictive and repetitive (I do see the irony of that in printmaking) but that old story of not knowing what's going on with next year.... If I will be able to study, if il be able to even get a job or if I will be in quarantine.

This spiraling is typical of me and it resulted in huge swings in my development. My end result was to do with this... Medical identity, artistic Idendity and student identity.

I am quite happy wihh my end result bit as is with erything I am producing - room for a huge amount of improvement.


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