Film making - Kirsten Lepore

Kirsten Lepore Is a contemporary film maker who primarily uses stop motion to create them. She is interesting for me to look at as she  is
1. Female

She became well known using the Internet to show her films. Vimeo particular was the platform she used to get her animations "out there" but did show her films in a number of festivals also.

The first animation I ever saw was a short called "Hi Stranger"

Hi Stranger  was a contribution to Late Night Work Club's new anthology of short films, Strangers.

I first saw this last year, thinking it was a little creepy...??
but finding out this was created during a time she was struggling with her metal health and was inspired by her therapy sessions I felt i had more of an understanding for what it was about.

Self Acceptance?
Acceptance from others?

Things I think we all can relate to, especially in this hyper  judgemental cyber society we have created. which i suppose ties into the way she shows her films.

Exploring her website she has a number of figurative model animations like "Hi Stranger" above, I feel i would maybe like to explore something a bit simpler to begin with.


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