All my photographs for Photography

These are all the photographs I took during my photography unit.

Morning sun over view of the Eildons. the colour was what drew me to take this photo but not the direction I want to go - portrait not landscape!!

Beautful image of Ryan using movement and shutter speed variation. I felt this was beautifully painterly and a great representation of his childishness. love this photo.

All that glitters had me stumped for a ewhile so I just went literal for this one and took this imprint of my hand in sequins... bit of a cop out but i knew thats not what id be doing...

I LOVE my experimentation of shuitter speed anbd exposure... I think it gives a fantastic representation of movement and chaos.. DEFINITELY will do more of these in some self Portraits.

One in colour one in black and White gives two completely contrasting images. I feel the self portrait below gives an eery unflattering look while the portrait of greg in colour gives a softter appereance. the use of the morning light in gregs image is beautiful but i think for what im trying to acheive not what im looking for...

Collaging multiple images together unsing my Phone... not as easy as using the PC

A dead sunflower is almost as beautiful as it in full bloom.

Focusing on shadow here and the distortion of it.

Natural light gives a dreamy gentle softness to the image... not really what i am going for but i do like this... taken using my DSLR

Beautiful reflection of pub light against Glasgow street view

Scanography image but cut and paste manually... i'm not drawn back to this technique by this image :/



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