Camera Phone and DSLR comparison

In today's society almost everyone has a camera phone which means the majority of us have cameras in pocket all times. The cameras in phones have just gotten better and better giving digital cameras a run for there money.

Comparing my DSLR and my camera phone there are certain aspects that I myself cannot deny that the latter is advantageous.
The first appealing aspect is the size comparison - both are portable, but the camera phone is small enough to fit in your pocket and you can edit the image, if needed, straight away using your phone to do so.

This immediacy is very appealing in our now very fast paced "need it now" society. As an Art student this is hugely appealing and one of the reasons I love Photography - It is instant! But when you have to go home, plug the camera into your computer and then edit, it seems.... tedious. The Immediacy is suddenly lost.
I am guilty of using my camera phone more than I do my DSLR... the thought of uploading them compared to editing  them with a few clicks of my phone seems to be a no brainier. I mean, don't get me wrong, the DSLR has its advantages. There are some times when I wouldn't dream of using my phone over it, for instance the use of the lenses are fantastic and not really applicable with a phone. For high detail images over distance, my camera phone is atrocious! An example of this would be pictures including the moon... When I take a landscape photograph including the moon it comes out as a tiny little dot using my camera phone but when using the DSLR you can pick up even the little craters on the moon. and it looks almost as impressive as it does through your own eyes.

 You also are now able to get some fantastic camera phones. My choice of my last phone  was solely made on the quality of the camera it had but this doesn't mean I would put my DSLR into retirement. I think camera phones have a long way to go before they can do this.


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