creating images using a scanner - Denise Zygadlo

"Scanography- Scanography is the way of creating photographs by using a photocopier"

Above is one unique way to create photographs that often people don't think about though if you are in an office environment, e.g. a school or work place, you  will most likely be doing this already by scanning documents or work sheets.  

The scanner can also take beautiful images. If you have been reading my blog since the start of its creation you will be familiar with me using this technique in my own work. It produces a very clear crisp image that anyone one struggle to reproduce with a conventional digital camera. 
I find this almost dreamy appearance of the Scanography images quite beautiful. Below is an example of scanned images collaged together to created one large image by Denise Zygadlo.

As you can see the skin, hair and clothing has a beautiful weightless quality with a beautifully crisp tonal value. I love this about Scanography and i think the artist has really used this to the images advantage with the feathers and flowy cloth.
Not immediately noticeable but the model in these images has 3 arms - something that I feel aids to the composition of the piece. My initial reaction when viewing this work was to look at her collageing techniques and how she linked the segments together. She has taken a very smooth and proportional approach. Keeping the figure in "realistic" proportions and size.

  Scanography has the wonderful ability to allow the artist to distort the image while it is being taken.

 By moving or dragging the chosen subject across the scanner screen while it is scanning can create some very strange elongated or segmented images. This allows for a much more imaginative or even surreal image to be produced. 
Over the years of using the scanner as a camera I have discovered a number of techniques to use to achieve the desired appearance.

Dreamy, weightless image :

Lift the scanner lid and lift the subject off the scanner screen. The further from the screen and the more external light is used the more blurred and soft the photograph will become.

Clear crisp detail :

make the scanner light the only light source. If the subject it's to large to close the lid, drape a large dark sheet over he top to reduce any surrounding light.

Movement :
Capturing movement using the scanner is A very interesting thing as the scanner technically have a very long exposure so movement can create a sort of blur but if times correctly can create a combined image like a stop frame.

  1. I think I will explore these and any more I discover techniques through out this unit and these examples for me thinking, exploring and playing with the scanner again. if not during this unit then in my own time.


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