Pep Vebtosa

Spanish Artist Pep Ventosa is a contemporary photographer who experiments with the structure of his photographs. Using a layering teqnique he mimics the appearance adjusted shutter speed and exposure but achieves it by 'deconstructing his image'.
 Focusing on one subject, he takes many photographs  of it from slightly different viewpoints whether that be himself moving or the subject) and digitally over lays them to create this fantastic blurry movemement in his photographs that could be mistaken for impressionist paintings in some instances!

‘Carousels – In the round'

This beautifully painterly aspect of this carousel gives the allusion of dizzying movement and mystery.
So I created a little version myself...

I call it: Tamsin - in the round' (haha!)

This is just a wee bit silly but you can see how the over laying of images created a similar effect as adjusting the shutter speed on your camera (see below)

As you can see the effect is very similar. Movement is represented as a blur of more than one image. It is something I myself have been exploring in my own work thus year...  Watch this space to see more of my explorations!


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