So its been a while since i last posted! I have not forgotten my agreement with my blog, iv just had a very hard week, but lets not think i havint been working, just everything takes alot longer when im unwell as my thoughts dont connect properly, if that makes sense! (iv still to think of someway to represent how that feels in one of these images! all in good time though!)
Anyway with all my goings on in the past week i have been thinking hard about how I could put this in one of my images, and since I have been staying with my parents i have had no access to a scanner (because I decided my mothers scanner was mine)
Eventually when I got the go ahead to go home I had all these ideas buzzing in my head and didnt have a clue how to sort them out! Iv found with experience, speaking to people about my ideas helps me remmeber because if I forget or it just crumbles away in my brain, they then say "oh I thought you were going to do ----???" and then I get back on track! my paretns have been great for this in the past week!
So it took me all weekend, but I got there!
I used the same techniques I used in my last water images, minus the water! and I also created my own "stamp" using photoshop, by taking a photograph of a crack and then creating my own crack stamp.
I wanted the image inside to look like shattered glass.
This image came about because of something I said to my sister.
"I feel like im holding onto the cracks because if I dont everything will collapse"
And my sister replied
"But sometimes, Kirsty, you need to ask others to hold them for you, because your not strong enough"
She is a good sister.
I am feeling confident I will be back on track this week. Or at least on the way there!
And thank god i get my medication next week! :)
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