
Back in the day of first trying monoprinting I had a love hate relationship with it. I loved the technique but I hated that I wasn't instantly good at it. I couldn't, at that time, hold my hand off the paper to draw so it left my prints blackened and messy. Also my prints were crap! I couldn't see the benefits of this fantastic way of imagemaking until now! So my prints are still crap but they will lead to greater things! I'm excited for what printmaking will bring to all my units and I already have thousands of ideas buzzing in my head. So my reintroduction to mono printing set off a chain of ideas on my head. Just from these little monoprint...
These are a few of the none blurred photos (I will take more tomorrow) which started with a simple line drawi g of scruffy the cat. Experimenting how to get that scruffy fluffy look.... (I haven't found it yet) But! When i lifted the paper I found i multiple scratching of my beautiful cat in the ink. I couldn't quite figure out how to lift it so I took a photo before I started.
This the started my little exploration sketchbook for print making. It is purely for exploring mark making techniques as they come. I'l get some photos of this so far tomorrow. I am really interested in the idea of when making a mark on a surface, it can then have completely unexpected result elsewhere. How well I know this feeling... this is just the beginning but I know I will be exploring print making a lot this year!


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