
we have moved onto lino cuts and following my theme for printmaking I have continues on with my MRI images as a basis.
while cutting this, I thought, why can't I print this then mono print my cabbage prints in the brain hole?? :D very exciting! This proved to be harder than I first thought. I struggled to get my head around cutting out brain holes so the brain of the lino print wouldn't print! so I spent my day dying to cut brain holes from news print to cover the brain hole! (confusing, I know!) so once this was done I spent the day printing my ideas of lino/monoprinting!
now I did have ones that were confined to the limits of the brain hole but when I got a little but crazy and had the over lapping brain and face image I just loved them!!! sorry about the shit photos- i'm practically in the dark. I will scan all my prints for you to see buy I was just too excited tonight. This is very exciting and I really want bigger lino! :)


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