This image has been lingering in my mind.... I feel im just getting there now, just in time! I'm not quite finished yet, but its not far from it now... phew!
I think its the large body's face that is bothering me... maybe the skin tone, maybe the expression maybe the fact the top of the head is cut off... I'm not sure yet, sometimes all it takes is to leave it for a while and come back to it. So this is what I will do, I'm gonna let it sit on here and hopefully at some point I will come onto my Blog and voila! I see what has to be done! Well thats what I hope happens anyway.
I struggled with the little body earlier, tried loads of different options that I decided against them, loads of images taken and it just wasn't right, and then I was looking at a fellow student taking photos of her final pieces and she had placed one perched on the side of the other. Suddenly I could see.. use the same stance for the little body as the large one! I still have a little sorting of the blending and the size in the frame of the image, but these are minor...
My goal is to show the realisation that it is all my own doing, I don't make things easier for myself, I make them harder more often than not. I struggle with coping with stress but sometimes I add a tonne of weight on top of it that doesn't help anything, including my MS. Also a little side note of my MS being my own doing, it is me destroying my body and nerves, though unaware. Its all very heavy.
Anyway thought you would like to see what point I am at with the still images of my FMP.
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