painting + FMP
Trying to add some paint to my photographs as a little experiment. I was a little nervous at first not really knowing what to do or how to do it but after getting into it I found i actually really like it.
I'm only just starting this out so these are just some ideas
I started by painting what its like to have the flashing lights in my eyes when i close my eyes. its not so bad now but about a year ago I had a really bad sight relapse and it was like someone had a camera flash going off everytime I closed my eyes. Made sleeping hard. Then I used an image of my face and just did what I fancied to it. Then I took the same image of my face and added an image of my whole body. This was just cut and pasted together in my sketchbook then painted over the top. I'm loving this and want to do more! It also gives me the opportunity of having much bigger pieces if I use this technique of working - excited!
The colours, If you notice are blue yellow and white. These colours represent parts of MS, feelings I have and people in my life.
*** need to do more colour experiments and sort my head into getting colours and there personal meaning in my sketchbook then finally in my final pieces***
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