
I realise I dont mention my fiancé on here very much but he is a very big part of my life and my creative process. We discuss my work inspired by having MS and he encourages me to keep creating. (Being a creative person himself) it is interesting to hear how he perceives my MS from the outside but seeing it all. I know I add alot of stress to his life, and he often gets forgotten about when my health is in question. But this is the man who lifts me out of the bath when I cant lift myself or massages the spasms out of my back/legs for hours when I wake up in so much pain. Things people dont see but mean a great deal to me.
This is what I've been working on the past few days. The size of the canvas was quite important so I stood next to it for size reference. I can't hold my arms up for long so it's taken me a long time to get to this stage and he is still not finished but I will get there hopefully tomorrow. I will keep you updated.


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