botanical graphic drawing

yesterday we were asked to create some botantical drawings but in a very linear "graphic" look. I always (as you probably know by now) struggle with this). i don't know what it is - it could be the word "graphic"that was thrown about yesterday and i just seem to trip up over t it. Maybe it scares me because its the unknown and my brain just scream "no!"
Anyway I just go on with it and started with 3 different plants placed on a white paper. i started with a  few pencil drawings.

This was a bit uninteresting visually and took minutes to do so i moved onto ink

I was still being quite loose with my mark making, not really drawing detail or clean lines but liked this. Ink makes you be decisive, you make a mark and its there! i like that about ink.   it was missing something so i used some markers an did a rough blit makes you confident!

the next direction i approached was doing block colour drawing in coloured markers. it was also a bit  unfinished to look at so i took my fineliner and drew a more detailed drawing over the top of it.

 I was actuslly quite interested in this and i decided to do somemore maybe using some irregular or unrealistic colours. I flipped the page in my sketchbook and i found the marked had seeped through and left a sort of faded not quite painterly but not quite marker like image..
I decided to do a line drawing over this which was really interesting because the image of the original marker drawing is flipped. it actually proved to be quite difficult as you hand naturally wants to follow the like of the first drawing but of course you are drawing the mirror of it! you can see there are a few areas in my drawing where i slipped up!

I think over the next day or two i will try taking this a little further and seeing what i can produce. watch this space!


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