
some more photos using the same techniques i used for my MS work. coming back from a long day at the hospital i was feeling the exhausting Fatigue I get in my MS. so i was curious as to how my fatigue effects how i look on the outside. Heres what i got.
the fact my looks change wen im ill is quite important as when i am at my worst i don't wear my mask, which is my make up, my hair and my silliness. Its important because it reaches suck a peak that i just don't have the strength to put my mask on. i just give up. so after discovering i look how i feel (shite)i desided it was a good thing to explore as this IS me. i used salt to give that grainy look. just because when i feel so tired i cant focus on anything and everything seems so visually noisy. i know that makes no sense but its the same feeling of going into a room of shouting people but in your eyes instead of your ears. I know this isn't the best way i could have portrayed this but i needed to put this idea down somewhere i will look at again as i will forget it once i go to sleep but i really want to follow this through.


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