Line and negative space
Focusing on negative space to shake off the rust we had gathered over the summer we started with a hanging wire from the ceiling. This was to be done as a "blind drawing" and I have to admit I want to do more of these! Even though they were far from perfect it allowed a sort of freedom in the line and in the use of the hand, wrist and even arm!
The more I did the less I wanted to lift my pencil and look. It really did help loosen me off. I did my lines over one another multiple times flipped the paper over to create... Well a mess!
The more I did the less I wanted to lift my pencil and look. It really did help loosen me off. I did my lines over one another multiple times flipped the paper over to create... Well a mess!
We were then given objects wrapped in string to draw. But only to draw the string not the object. This posed much more difficult. No instructions were given to do this "blind" as before so the first didn't do to plan with constant stopping and starting of my pencil which I felt made it seem harder than it needed to be. It took a while for my eye to concentrate on the negative space rather than the line of the string. First was a wrapped kettle.
The second time around I decided to go ahead and do it blind and I feel the effect give a much more confident line and more recognisable shape of a boot.
We then moved on to using a viewfinder to pick a selected area of the room and only draw the negative space seen through the view finder. I actually found this quite enjoyable.
I then went on to copy my chosen two and use coloured paper to cut out the negative shapes to create a collage - I combined both to make 1 collage.
I then went on to copy my chosen two and use coloured paper to cut out the negative shapes to create a collage - I combined both to make 1 collage.
Good first day. Also everyday drawing one done :)
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