Drawing from observation - chairs

This week we have been drawing an array of our classroom chairs piled up in the centre of our classroom.

This, as usual was completely overwhelmelming but I cracked on with a  graphite line drawing of the subject (as if I'd learned nothing from the previous lesson about negative space!!!)

Looking at these images of the progression of my drawings I can first of all see that I had no thought towards the composition of the peice or any thought towards perspective. Funny how my memory of my first images don't match the photos I've taken...

Anyway day two was another long study of the same subject but I changed my viewpoint and considered composition a little more this time. This was a reductive drawing excerise and I was a bit slow to start as I always am when the start drawing in this way, but I quickly found my eye settling into it a bit more.
 I feel these are slightly stronger drawings. The looser approach of rubbing away the light adding in the dark suits me and my way of thinking, that meant i had a stronger peice for this reason and also that I'd spend hours the day before looking at the chairs and figuring it all out.

I can't say I'm 100% happy with either of my drawing in the end and I wish I had longer but i think maybe at this stage in the year It would take many many hours before I'm ever close the being happy with it.

The things I want to take from the first week are:
1. draw more because I love it.
2. Remember to consider negative space ALWAYS.
3. don't assume anything.


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