A comment

I posted one of my last images (see below) on a social media site which I dont really do. I recieved a comment from a stranger saying this. Yep..MS. Trapped in our own body" I didn't put any description of my process as I do here, only the tag "Multiple scelrosis" this suddenly made me realise that this stranger saw my work and made a personal connection to it through her own journey and experience with, I assume, having MS. What I felt after reading this comment was not not pride that my work was apprieciated, not anger that this person didnt fully know my process and the work and time these images take, but sadness. I felt sad for her, seeing this image and completely understanding what I am trying to say or what SHE believed I was trying to say. People have appreciated my work with " oh yeah thats really good!" And "I wish I was artistic like you!" But this was different. With this simple comment I felt she completely understood what i was trying to say. Is this the goal? I suddenly feel uneasy something has shifted. Because a stranger is looking at my work and they are seeing me and seeing themselves too. I never thought anyone could connect to my work but me.


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