New work

Pending the start of my brand spanking new course !!!CONTEMPORARY ART PRACTICE!!! we were given a Summer Project to do. As I have not been well my mind set is totally off track, but I'm going to be thankful it was during the break instead of at the start of term. So now I'm better and am full of Tysabi, I spent today thinking about it. I feel I am a wee bit behind now but I still have ample time left to get a lot done. Task one, go see contemporary art and keep an online journal of thoughts inspirations etc. I am already at an advantage here as I have this wee blog up and running and I am quite comfortable using it now. Also there is so much to see just now in Edinburgh so I am going to get my bum into gear starting now. Task 2 is quite exciting as we have to create 2 pieces of work from two of the three following themes; "Here and Now" "This Land is our Land" and "for Sale" When I heard these themes they screamed Independence. Such a massive theme to work around with so many possibilities! On the other hand this would give me the opportunity to continue with my work from my FMP... or maybe somehow both! The other thing the summer project demands is the use of one medium that is new to you. I'v spent a lot of time in the garden lately and am going ot dig it up and give it a revamp. maybe use my garden in my work? maybe Land art??!!! what was the name of that Artist that spoke to us about his work and he minipulated the way trees were growing... damn, 1st year is so fuzzy! I remember being really excited about the idea of this at the time because I had my allotment up and running. well now I have a HUGE garden to work in! THIS IS WHY WE SHOULD KEEP A BLOG FROM THE START OF THE COURSE!!! I wish i could remember.. search through old paperwork and notes... :( I will keep you updated. Don't wanna lose this little flow!


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