paper and print making

So i have decided on a route to follow for my paper making! After deciding i didnt want to make paper from paper, I actually wanted to know how to make paper from plant fibers, Idecided on what i will do with these fabulous plantey papers! Make a recipe book!! and EACH INGREDIENT WILL MAKE EACH SLICE OF PAPER!!! In my mind this is going to look amazingly earthy and natural! we wil see if my dream comes true....! here a small update on my progress.
Drying the veg skins does work but it makes the vegetables incredibly delicate and difficult to print on, like my red onion paper.
The first image is a section from my sketchbook showing my Leek paper. boiling them in caustic soda (drain cleaner) for a few hours means I have to do this at home, but I feel the process is worth it because I am making my own paper - from plants! a sense of pride and excitement washes over you when your leaves of paper are dry! the second photo os the same process but made with garden peas and grass. This one has a very strong grass or hay smell, which I love and a much stronger green, unlike the leek which is a grey green.
Now this image is of my leek paper o top of my carrot juice paper! not carrot paper but paper dyed using carrot juice. I tried this after wondering if I could make my own ink for the printing process from plant material, this work well and the dye was delicate, but I will need to try this with printing soon! So now im looking at how i could create my book, today was the first start at getting it together, as im waiting for my newest paper creations to dry. here was a lino print and hand sewn (pretty obvious) it took me longer than it should have I stupidly cut my lino text the correct way round! So It printed backwards! rusty with the old print making, which was never my strong point anyway :(
Also a fellow classmate suggested i look at old recipe books referred to as receipt books. so I need to do that! because I like the idea of printing it as a receipt book.


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