So with my "Scanography" im getting pretty good at knowing how to place my face on the scanner to get the image i want, ie blocking out all other light sources will giv a much crisper image with more vivid colours and picks up alot more detail where as if i let alot of light in it gives a dreamy soft look to an image. So i started a while back taking images with a towel draped over my head, this mean less editing is needed after and the detail it picks up is great!
I then began looking at Jenny Savilles work for another unit but when i was looking at her photography i thought "wait a minute, why cant i look at MY whole body, why am i only showing my face? MS effects all of me not just one part!" and then that brought on "but it does focus on one part, or certain parts, at a time. so then i went back into my sketchbook and looked at David Hockney's collage type photography, because I reakoned that would b a good way to do it as I only have an a4 sized scanner, so it lets me create the image later from lots of small images! I can also make it huge, all consuming, like MS is, it doesn't only affect you trough physical symptoms but...well... what i would give to have one day withouth thinking about it!
So i started taking images of my body which caused a few problems! I don't have a great lot of muscle strength in my body so balancing over a scaner wouldnt work and the weight i am it wouldnt support my full weight, and i didnt want to try! I ended up taking alot of it apart so i had a little light weight box i could hold and turn myself :D
i then decided to go the next step amd remove the clothes, i felt they took something away from the feel of the photos, and i wanted them to look more personal and vunerable. and to be honest i lost all shyness about my body a long time ago thanks to my MS and various doctors, nurses and even family members helping me out
These need alot of editing but not as much used the handy towel! I took many of these images and started playing around with them adding them together in my skethbook on a much smaller scale to get an idea of how they would look.
i will scan some of my pages in when i get a minute and when im not using the scanner for acutally taking the images :)
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