A walk in the woods

Hanish and I went for a walk in the woods as the sun was shining (for once) and i had my camera. I decided to experiment a little, looking for texture and seeing the difference that taking an image in colour or b&w has. the texture of tree bark grabbed my interest at first. i took a few of tree bark like these and i was struck by the fact the colour, or lack of it could make such an effect on the image. so i lok these two of the same view, one in colour and one in b&w surprisingly i liked the colour one. the light was shining through the leaves producing a lovely strong green frame around a blue sky. the next point was "the darkies" as i used to call them when i was little. my sister and i would come play down here and we would run through the dense part of the woods to a stip that had no trees, right in the middle. so i knew i wanted to photograph this part of the woods. I liked the first picture the best, but i felt my shadow was in the way so i cropped it out later, the end result is the last picture and i feel it really makes a difference. I still walk quickly to this point when i walk through here. i dont know why but i am drawn to the idea of having something you can turn upside down/ on its side and it still creating a believable image. like my photograph of the college corridor. i also like depth in a photograph. i like to feel like the photo goes way back. so i took a couple of the wood path too.


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